JOIN us for a WEBINAR on AS5369 - Sterilisation Standards and what they mean for perioperative staff.

3rd December 2024
By Education Team


JOIN us on MONDAY 16th December at 7pm for a WEBINAR on AS5369 - Sterilisation Standards and what they mean for perioperative staff.

The AS4187 has been reviewed and updated and is now the AS5369.

Do you know the key changes and what the impact is on perioperative staff? Is your department ready?

Join Deb to increase your knowledge and ensure you are ready.

Tickets are FREE for members and $20.00 for non-members.

Get your ticket from the Events Calendar


The presenter is Deb Burrows

SNSWLHD District CNC Perioperative Services

Deb Burrows is a registered nurse who has worked in both metropolitan and rural settings in NSW. She has held a number of positions throughout her career and is currently the District Perioperative Clinical Nurse Consultant in Southern NSW Local Health District.  

Deborah is passionate about perioperative nurses and is a strong advocate for the rural voice, being actively involved in many committees and agencies that influence policy-making.  


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